Photoespaña – press releases

Descubrimientos PHE

PHotoEspaña’s portfolio review, Descubrimientos PHE, has been held since 1998. Aimed at professional photographers, personal meetings are arranged between them and photography specialists with the aim of generating professional outlets for their work. For the third year will be held at the Centro de Arte Alcobendas.  The 70 photographer participants are Juan Aballe, Bego Antón, Celestino Arce, Diane Arques, Javier Ayuso de Frutos, Marc Ballo, Iñaki Bergera, Marcela Cabezas Hilb, Jordi Comas, Tomás Correa, Katrina d’Autremont, Serena de Sanctis, Olivier Fermariello, Leonardo Filipaz, Jorge Flores, Alejandra Franch, Ana Frechilla, Ana Galán, Pedro Galisteo, María José García Piaggio, Óscar Garrido, Azahara Gómez, Elena Gómez-Casero, Xavier Gómez Isart, Lucía Gómez Meca, Elisa González Miralles, Ricardo Gutiérrez Alonso, Leonora Hamill, David Infante Hana Kanizova, Andrejs Kovalovs, Jesús Labandeira, La Fake, Marine Lanier, Pablo Lecroisey, Amador Lorenzo, Verónica Losantos, Sergio Martínez González, Fernando Maselli, Gloria

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Comienza el visionado de porfolios Descubrimientos PHE

Alcobendas es sede del visionado de porfolios de PHotoEspaña, que este año se ha celebrado también en Venezuela y Brasil

Los 70 participantes mostrarán sus trabajos a un grupo de 18 especialistas internacionales
De entre los fotógrafos seleccionados en los tres visionados celebrados, un jurado elegirá al ganador del Premio Descubrimientos PHE
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Xavier Mulet presents M. Ardan, the great nineteenth-century traveller

Xavier Mulet creates a fictional history whose main character is the mysterious Monsieur Ardan, nineteenth-century photographer, botanist, writer and draughtsman

The exhibition includes botanical samples, fossils and volcanic material, together with ambrotypes, ferrotypes and paper prints of his travels and expeditions
The show is organised by Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in collaboration with Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
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Ramón Masats and Gervasio Sánchez win the top prizes PHotoEspaña 2014 Awards

PhotoEspaña publishes its highest awards, which corresponded to two great figures of Spanish photography 

Ramon Masats receives PhotoEspaña Award in recognition of his key role in the modernization and professionalization of Spanish photography, narrative capacity of their work and its wide influence on later generations of photographers 
Masats’s work will be exhibited within PHE14 programming with the exhibition La Palangana at Círculo de Bellas Artes and Blanca Berlin Gallery  
Gervasio Sanchez is the new Bartolomé Ros Award, which recognizes his humanistic photography, ethical and professional commitment to the conflicts of our time and impetus to the promotion of photojournalism 
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La ‘primavera árabe’ a través de los ojos de seis fotoperiodistas españoles premiados internacionalmente

La exposición da testimonio de las duras realidades vividas en los países árabes del norte de África desde el año 2010

El trabajo de fotoperiodismo de Manu Brabo, Alfonso del Moral, Diego Ibarra, Maysun, Guillem Valle y Ricardo García Vilanova, secuestrado durante seis meses en Siria, forman parte de la muestra 

Zaragoza renueva su participación en PHotoEspaña por segundo año consecutivo sumándose a la sección oficial que este año está dedicada a la fotografía española

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PHotoEspaña awarded Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts

FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2014 The Council of Ministers today awarded the Gold Medal for Merit in the Fine Arts to PHotoEspaña, the International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts. The award, made by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, honours the work of people and organisations who have made an outstanding contribution to artistic and cultural creation, to the encouragement, development and dissemination of art and culture, or to the preservation of the country’s artistic heritage. The Council of Ministers awarded this distinction in a Royal Decree issued last Friday, noting that "since 1998 PHotoEspaña has gradually become

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41 galerías de arte de Madrid participan en Festival Off

Un año más, el Festival Off integra una selección de las exposiciones organizadas por las galerías de arte de Madrid. Un total de 41 propuestas, cuyos elementos comunes son la fotografía y el vídeo, se reúnen en una sección que tiene como objetivo la promoción y el desarrollo del mercado fotográfico. Una de las 41 galerías participantes se alzará con  el Premio Festival Off, otorgado por un jurado independiente que reconoce, en cada edición, a la galería que presenta la mejor propuesta expositiva. Hoy, lunes día 3 de junio, inauguran sus exposiciones las galerías Freijo Fine Art (Testigo documental. El

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PHotoEspaña 2014 will take place from 4 June to 27 July

MONDAY, FEBRARY 10, 2014 PHotoEspaña 2014, the 17th edition of the International Festival of Photography and Visual Arts, will take place from 4 June to 27 July, 2014. PHE14 begins a new period for the festival. For the next three editions, the exhibition programme will explore geographic areas, rather than conceptual themes. Furthermore, the programme will be remain plural, featuring proposals from several curators. PHotoEspaña 2014 will focus on Spanish photography and aims to: strengthen the visibility of achieved photographers, include creators and emerging generations, bring back artistic groups and movements, and present authors who´s artistic career deserves a wider

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Pinceladas, de Lillian Bassman en Loewe Serrano

Una panorámica de la obra de una de las más importantes figuras de la historia de la fotografía de moda

La Fundación Loewe homenajea la carismática figura de Lillian Bassman a los dos años de su fallecimiento
La muestra, comisariada por María Millán, está incluida en la sección oficial de PHotoEspaña 2014
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Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965

This exhibition, staged at the Museo ICO, reappraises the disciplinary role of photography in the context of Spanish architectural modernism

The exhibition, curated by ñaki Bergera, comprises over 200 prints by nearly forty photographers, including Kindel, Català-Roca, Pando and Paco Gómez
The show is sponsored and organized by Fundación ICO in collaboration with FAME. Research project “Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965”
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Descubrimientos PHE

PHotoEspaña’s portfolio review, Descubrimientos PHE, has been held since 1998. Aimed at professional photographers, personal meetings are arranged between them and photography specialists with the aim of generating professional outlets for their work. For the third year will be held at

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Comienza el visionado de porfolios Descubrimientos PHE

Alcobendas es sede del visionado de porfolios de PHotoEspaña, que este año se ha celebrado también en Venezuela y Brasil

Los 70 participantes mostrarán sus trabajos a un grupo de 18 especialistas internacionales
De entre los fotógrafos seleccionados en los tres visionados celebrados, un jurado elegirá al ganador del Premio Descubrimientos PHE
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Xavier Mulet presents M. Ardan, the great nineteenth-century traveller

Xavier Mulet creates a fictional history whose main character is the mysterious Monsieur Ardan, nineteenth-century photographer, botanist, writer and draughtsman

The exhibition includes botanical samples, fossils and volcanic material, together with ambrotypes, ferrotypes and paper prints of his travels and expeditions
The show is organised by Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales in collaboration with Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales
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Ramón Masats and Gervasio Sánchez win the top prizes PHotoEspaña 2014 Awards

PhotoEspaña publishes its highest awards, which corresponded to two great figures of Spanish photography 

Ramon Masats receives PhotoEspaña Award in recognition of his key role in the modernization and professionalization of Spanish photography, narrative capacity of their work and its wide influence on later generations of photographers 
Masats’s work will be exhibited within PHE14 programming with the exhibition La Palangana at Círculo de Bellas Artes and Blanca Berlin Gallery  
Gervasio Sanchez is the new Bartolomé Ros Award, which recognizes his humanistic photography, ethical and professional commitment to the conflicts of our time and impetus to the promotion of photojournalism 
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La ‘primavera árabe’ a través de los ojos de seis fotoperiodistas españoles premiados internacionalmente

La exposición da testimonio de las duras realidades vividas en los países árabes del norte de África desde el año 2010

El trabajo de fotoperiodismo de Manu Brabo, Alfonso del Moral, Diego Ibarra, Maysun, Guillem Valle y Ricardo García Vilanova, secuestrado durante seis meses en Siria, forman parte de la muestra 

Zaragoza renueva su participación en PHotoEspaña por segundo año consecutivo sumándose a la sección oficial que este año está dedicada a la fotografía española

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Pinceladas, de Lillian Bassman en Loewe Serrano

Una panorámica de la obra de una de las más importantes figuras de la historia de la fotografía de moda

La Fundación Loewe homenajea la carismática figura de Lillian Bassman a los dos años de su fallecimiento
La muestra, comisariada por María Millán, está incluida en la sección oficial de PHotoEspaña 2014
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Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965

This exhibition, staged at the Museo ICO, reappraises the disciplinary role of photography in the context of Spanish architectural modernism

The exhibition, curated by ñaki Bergera, comprises over 200 prints by nearly forty photographers, including Kindel, Català-Roca, Pando and Paco Gómez
The show is sponsored and organized by Fundación ICO in collaboration with FAME. Research project “Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain, 1925-1965”
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