
En América, un volumen sobre el Robert Frank fotoperiodista

La Fábrica publica ‘En América’, una oportunidad única para conocer la obra más temprana de Robert Frank. Entre 1955 y 1956, el fotógrafo Robert Frank viajó por Estados Unidos con una beca Guggenheim con el fin de fotografiar a gente corriente en su día a día. Su libro Los americanos (1959) se convertiría en piedra de toque de la identidad estadounidense y en un hito de la historia de la fotografía. Sin embargo, cuando Frank empezó a dedicarse al cine, la mayor parte de su obra fotográfica temprana cayó en el olvido. Esta producción es la que recoge ‘En América’.

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¡Surprise me!, by Philippe Halsman

La Fábrica and Obra Social «la Caixa» publish Surprise me! by Phillippe Halsman (Riga, Latvia, 1906 – New York, 1979) A volume that gathers Halsman´s prolific production on the occasion of the exhibition held in Caixaforum Barcelona, from june to october 2016, that will visit Madrid in november 2016. Surprise me! assemble a complete corpus of Halsman´s work, from his early works, untill the last years of his production – when he had a close relation with Dali – including portraits, settings and the series Jumpology «Although mainly known by his 101 Life magazine covers and his extense colaboration with Salvador

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BMW Painting Prize Application Open

BMW Painitng Prize launchs a new edition again based on the dymamics of participation through the web. As in the former edition each participant can participate with a total of five paintings, although only one may be awarded. The website will be the platform through which the candidacies will be received. All pre selected works should be sent phisically once the participation deadline is finished. Along with the quality of the works, the jury will asses the candidates potential. So that, candidates are encouraged to send a CV, a full dossier of their previous works, and any further information they may consider relevant.

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La Fábrica publica Will, el proyecto ganador del concurso de maquetas de La Fábrica 2015, realizado por el fotógrafo austriaco Reiner Riedler

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¡Surprise me!, by Philippe Halsman

La Fábrica and Obra Social «la Caixa» publish Surprise me! by Phillippe Halsman (Riga, Latvia, 1906 – New York, 1979) A volume that gathers Halsman´s prolific production on the occasion of the exhibition held in Caixaforum Barcelona, from june to

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BMW Painting Prize Application Open

BMW Painitng Prize launchs a new edition again based on the dymamics of participation through the web. As in the former edition each participant can participate with a total of five paintings, although only one may be awarded. The website will

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La Fábrica publica Will, el proyecto ganador del concurso de maquetas de La Fábrica 2015, realizado por el fotógrafo austriaco Reiner Riedler

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