A new PHotoBolsillo dedicated to photojournalist Diego González Ragel (Jerez de la Frontera 1893-Madrid 1951), whose work remains almost unknown

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Matador devotes an extra issue to the world of clubs, coinciding with the opening of Club Matador in Madrid

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Centros de Arte, Cultura y Turismo. Cabildo de Lanzarote y PHotoEspaña organizan esta experiencia fotográfica en la que quince fotógrafos tendrán la oportunidad de fotografiar los lugares de interés de la isla.

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El colectivo La Palangana revolucionó la fotografía española a finales de la década de 1950

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Un nuevo PHotoBolsillo dedicado al fotoperiodista Diego González Ragel (Jerez de la Frontera 1893-Madrid 1951), cuya obra permanece prácticamente inédita

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Un conjunto de 25 obras que pivotan en torno a la idea del naufragio, el fracaso, como parte de todo proceso

La inauguración de la exposición tendrá lugar el próximo 11 de septiembre y contará con la presencia del artista

Solicitudes de material gráfico y entrevistas en prensa@lafabrica.com

Más información: www.lafabrica.com

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Un conjunto de 25 obras que pivotan en torno a la idea del naufragio, el fracaso, como parte de todo proceso

La inauguración de la exposición tendrá lugar el próximo 11 de septiembre y contará con la presencia del artista

Solicitudes de material gráfico y entrevistas en prensa@lafabrica.com

Más información: www.lafabrica.com

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Exhibitions 109 exhibitions were included in PHotoEspaña 2014, 40 in the Official Section, 20 in OpenPHoto, 41 in Off Festival and 8 invited venues. The exhibitions of the Official Section have been hosted by Biblioteca Nacional de España, Casa de América, Círculo de Bellas Artes-Fundación Banco Santander, Comunidad de Madrid / Sala Alcalá 31, Espacio […]

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PHE14 featured exhibitions and activities in Alcalá de Henares, Alcobendas, Cuenca, Getafe, Madrid, Lanzarote and Zaragoza, and exceptionally this year, at cultural centers in Almería, Arlés, Cádiz, Logroño, London and Toulouse

The festival drew 718,000 visitors even though it saw its budget reduced by 11% with respect to the last edition

The increase of visitors confirms public interest in an edition focused on Spanish photography, with more than 3,000 reviews appearing in both national and international media.

PHotoEspaña 2015 will be held next year from June 3 – July 26 and will be wholly dedicated to Latin American photography

The Festival’s activities will continue in the autumn with Trasatlántica, to be presented in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and Rosario, Argentina, and PHotoWalk, a new program, in Lanzarote (Canary Islands) under the direction of Ricardo Cases

PHotoEspaña will return to Brazil in 2015 with a program of lectures and symposia at the SESC in São Paolo

PIC.A PHotoEspaña International Center Alcobendas launches its second course with the 7th edition of PHotoEspaña Master, as well as courses aimed at all levels, from beginning to professional

Download details of results here

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Exhibitions 109 exhibitions were included in PHotoEspaña 2014, 40 in the Official Section, 20 in OpenPHoto, 41 in Off Festival and 8 invited venues. The exhibitions of the Official Section have been hosted by Biblioteca Nacional de España, Casa de América, Círculo de Bellas Artes-Fundación Banco Santander, Comunidad de Madrid / Sala Alcalá 31, Espacio […]

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