Curator: Gerardo Mosquera
Nº of works: around 200 between fotography, video and installation.
Contact: Ana Berruguete.
Catalogue: published by La Fábrica.
Touring to: Teatro Fernán-Gomez, Centro de Arte (Madrid) and Iberia center for contemporary art (Beijing).

Liliana Angulo, Ananké Asseff, beautifulagony.com (Lauren Olney & Richard Lawrence), Jorge Brantmayer, Nancy Burson, Luis Camnitzer, Jeanette Chávez, Colectivo MR, LucFosther Diop, Eugenio Dittborn, Juan Downey, Hans-Peter Feldman, Jérôme Fortin, Shadi Ghadirian, Simryn Gill, Shilpa Gupta, Mona Hatoum, José Iraola, Pedro Lemebel, Jarbas Lopes, Cristina Lucas, Dulce Pinzón, Liliana Porter, Libia Posada, Jorge Ribalta, Yoani Sánchez, Stephanie Sinclair, Dayanita Singh, Marta Soul, Kan Xuan y Remy Zaugg.

The face is not only identity is also a machine to communicate. No other part of the body is able to express feelings so clearly, moods, desires, ideas that you want to convey. All this is accomplished through a choreography of its components, especially the eyes, mouth and movements skin that establish a mime encoding that others can understand, until they are betrayed by the revelation of the unconscious we would like to hide (as we report of language specialists).

The exhibition Face Contact is made to provide an overview of the general theme proposed by the next PHotoEspaña Festival 2011, «Interface», highlighting the importance it held the portrait photography in contemporary life as a place of contact and exchange. We will try to push the potential of this metaphorical sense, the portrait of this interface, without a doubt one of the largest and most important genres in photography, meaning it more in the sense of communication and networking. Efforts will be a discussion on the portrait as a zone of interaction but also by addressing the limitations of this communication. After all, as one critic said, the photograph, «is about never getting the whole picture.»