Details of Results

109 exhibitions were included in PHotoEspaña 2014, 40 in the Official Section, 20 in OpenPHoto, 41 in Off Festival and 8 invited venues. The exhibitions of the Official Section have been hosted by Biblioteca Nacional de España, Casa de América, Círculo de Bellas Artes-Fundación Banco Santander, Comunidad de Madrid / Sala Alcalá 31, Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Loewe Serrano, Matadero Madrid, Museo ICO, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Museo Nacional del Romanticismo, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, Calcografía Nacional, Real Jardín Botánico-CSIC and Tabacalera. Espacio Promoción del Arte en Madrid.

Cardenal Cisneros Street in  Alcalá de Henares; in Alcobendas, Bulevar Salvador Allende, Centro Cultural Anabel Segura and Art Center of Alcobendas; Antonio Saura Foundation. Casa Zavala in Cuenca; Art Center Ciudad de Getafe; and La Lonja and Centro de Historias in Zaragoza.
 Excepcionally, and due to the programme of PHotoEspaña 2014 was devoted to Spanish photography Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía de Almería, Kursala de Cádiz, Casa de la Imagen in Logroño, Les Rencontres d’Arles, 12 Star Gallery of London and Le Chateau d’Eau in Toulouse were included in the PHotoEspaña programming.

OpenPHoto has brought together 18 venues in Madrid: Alliance Française Madrid, Blank Paper, Casa de Velázquez, CentroCentro Cibeles, COAM, EFTI, Escuela Universitaria de Artes y Espectáculos TAI, Fnac Callao, Fnac Castellana, Fundación ONCE. Galería Cambio de Sentido, Galerie du 10. Institut Français de Madrid, Goethe-Institut Madrid, Instituto Cultural Rumano, Hotel de las Letras, Istituto Europeo di Design, La Galería. Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas and Real Sociedad Fotográfica.

41 galleries have taking part in the Off Festival: 6más1 Arte, Aina Nowack, Álvaro Alcázar, Astarté, Blanca Berlín Galería, Blanca Soto, Cámara Oscura, Casa sin fin, Cayón, Elba Benítez, Espacio Foto, Fernández-Braso, Fernando Pradilla, Freijo Fine Art, Guillermo de Osma, Heinrich Ehrhardt, Helga de Alvear, Ivorypress, Joan Gaspar, Jorge Alcolea, Juana de Aizpuru, La Fábrica, La Fresh Gallery, La New Gallery, Liebre, Mad is Mad, Magda Bellotti, Marita Segovia, Marlborough, Materna y Herencia, Mondo Galería, My Name’s Lolita Art, Oliva Arauna, Paula Alonso, Pilar Serra, Ponce + Robles, Rafael Pérez Hernando. Arte Contemporáneo, Slowtrack, SpainMedia Gallery, Travesía Cuatro and Twin Gallery.

The Artistic Program
PHotoEspaña 2014 launched a series to last three years in which the Festival will approach photography and the visual arts from a geographical perspective. This edition featured a program of 40 exhibitions which offered a panoramic view of Spanish visual arts from the 20th century to the present, with a few incursions into the 19th century. The goal of PHE14 was to present the richness and diversity of Spanish photography. To that end, it highlighted already recognized photographers, introduced lesser-known artists, addressed the younger generations, offered some surprises, recovered collectives and movements and championed photographers whose work deserves wider recognition. Through its varied program, PHotoEspaña looked toward the past, the present and at what the future holds, for a broad purview of Spain’s visual arts.

440 visual artists taking part in PHE14—70% of whom are Spanish. Antoni Arissa, Josep Renau, Joan Vilatobà, Ortiz Echagüe, Alberto Schommer, Ramón Masats, Cristina García Rodero, Cristóbal Hara, Koldo Chamorro, Alberto García-Alix, Cristina de Middel, Ricky Dávila, Rosell Meseguer, Linarejos Moreno, Miguel Ángel Tornero and Óscar Monzón are some of the artists involved in a edition that has celebrated Spanish photography internationally.

Madrid 24 Hours. A Day in the Life of Madrid
This online competition organized by PHotoEspaña and sponsored by Madrid’s City Hall and Samsung, invited lovers of photography, locals and visitors alike, to share their vision of the capital. The contest received 3,087 photos in which participants captured the city’s details and hidden corners, its stories and most emblematic places, and even the city’s characteristic skies. The 24 winning pictures were shown to the public at CentroCentro Cibeles and on screens in the Plaza de Callao.

In addition, for this edition of PHE, Samsung organized NYC – TYO, by Manuel San Frutos, a project exploring New York and Tokyo through images emitted in real time with a Samsung Galaxy NX, thanks to its 4G connectivity and high-quality picture resolution.
Photographic Memories
Fundación Canal and PHotoEspaña challenged participants to become curators of their own life stories through an archive featuring 80 snapshots by various acclaimed Spanish photographers. The jury, formed by photographer and curator José María Díaz-Maroto, photographer Fernando Maquieira and director of exhibitions for the Fundación Canal, Cristian Ruiz Orfila, chose one winner from among the participating vídeo-narratives: El poder de la naturaleza (The Power of Nature) by Irantzu Lekue, and two runners-up: Angélica Soleiman and Aitor Merino. The Foundation’s water tower once again hosted the Saturday Workshops: photography workshops for kids and young people offered on various Saturdays in May and June.
Campus PHE Community of Madrid
PhotoEspaña and the Community of Madrid, with the support of the Fundación Banco Sabadell, organized Campus PHE Grandes Maestros, a series of photography workshops led by experienced photographers. 60 students received the professional advice of Ricky Dávila and Rafal Milach, who helped participants explore their limits and improve their visual language through an intense program of shoots, daily reviews, group critiques, tutorials and printing sessions.
Campus PHE Book Editing
PHotoEspaña and the city of Zaragoza organized a professional program devoted to the development of book projects by photographers. A group of 12 previously selected students received guidance from Juan Valbuena, photographer, publisher and independent curator.

Flashing, Dazzling, Breaking Away: A Chronicle of Contemporary Photography in Spain
PHotoEspaña, in collaboration with the Fundación Telefónica, presented a series of films directed by Alejandro Castellote, whose objective was to illustrate the distinct expressive means of contemporary Spanish photography. Over a period of three days, 600 people attended the cycle of films curated by Manuel Sonseca, Julián Barón and Nerea Ubieto, as well as round-table discussions with the participation of Manel Esclusa, Chema Madoz, Ricardo Cases, Oliva María Rubio, Cristina de Middel and Carlos Irijalba.

Descubrimientos PHE
Alcobendas has host once more the portfolio review Descubrimientos PHE. 70 participants had the chance to show their work to 22 international curators with a view to exploring potential professional openings.  Nadine Barth, consulting editor for photography art books for Hatje Cantz Verlag; Peter Bas Mensink, cofounder and publisher of GUP Magazine; Ann Christin Bertrand, photography curator for C/O Berlín; Kim Knoppers, curator for Foam; Itala Schmelz, director of Centro de la Imagen; Christine Tomas, director of Perth Centre for Photography; and Roger Tooth, head of photography for The Guardian, The Observer and, were some of the international reviewers involved.

On October 30 and 31, 2013, the CESC Consolaçao de Sao Paolo, under the auspices of PHotoEspañ, 20 winning portfolios received a detailed review of their portfolios by the critic and independent curator Eder Chiodetto; the editor of the Instituto Moreira Salles’ magazine Zum, Thyago Nogueira; the curator and director of Montreal’s Le Mois de la Photo, Paul Wombell; and the chief conservator of photography at the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya-MNAC, David Balsells.
Additionally, on December 4 and 5 of 2014, a further selection of 20 candidates participated in a review organized by the Cultural Office of the Spanish Embassy in Venezuela, in collaboration with AECID, the Centro Cutlural Chacao and the Centro de Estudios Fotograficos-CiEF, which included among its reviewers the photographers Ricardo Jiménez and Nelson Garrido, the researcher and curator Lorena González and the researcher, writer and professor of Latin American Art at the Universidad del Museo Social Argentino, Kekena Korvalán.
Participants in the three programs opted for the PHE Descubrimientos Prize, which was finally awarded to Mariela Sancari, from Argentina.

Lanzarote PHotoWalk
On September 27 and 28, and for the second consecutive year, Lanzarote will host PHE PHotoWalk, an event in which a group of previously selected photographers will have the opportunity to explore the island and discover its interesting points at the hands of Ricardo Cases.

PHE14 Awards
PHotoEspaña has made six awards:
PHotoEspaña 2014 Award: Ramón Masats.
Bartolomé Ros for the best Spanish profesional career in photography Award: Gervasio Sánchez.
Descubrimientos PHE Award: Mariela Sancari.
Best Photography Book of the Year Award:
International Category: Party, by Cristina de Middel, published by AMC Books and Editorial RM.
National Category: Ostalgia, by Simona Rota, published by Fabulatorio and Cuadernos de la Kursala.
Outstanding Publishing House: Dewi Lewis.
Off Festival Award: Images of an Endless Journey (A Human Document) by Manolo Bautista hosted by Paula Alonso Gallery.
PHotoEspaña OjodePez Award for Human Values: Child Poverty in Spain series, by Aitor Lara.
PHotoEspaña Books
PHotoEspaña has published PHE14 Guide and two catalogues: La palangana and Photography and Modern Architecture in Spain (1925-1965).

The Festival’s Financing and Budget

The total estimated budget of PHotoEspaña 2014 was 1,670,200 euros, 11.85% less than PHE13, allocated in the following way:
Production of exhibitions: 1,070,850 euros
Production of activities: 215,400 euros
Organizational costs:149,820 euros
Promotional costs: 96,350 euros
Advertising investment: 137,780 euros
Public sector investment: 17.1 %
Private investment: 82.9 %

PHotoEspaña 2014 received support from a total of 82 sponsors and collaborating institutions. The following have reiterated their support for PHotoEspaña: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Madrid Regional Government,  Madrid City Council, Alcobendas City Council, Alcalá de Henares City Council, Zaragoza City Council, Cuenca City Council, Cabildo de Lanzarote, AECID, Foundation of Banco Santander, Foundation of ICO, Foundation of Loewe, Foundation of Canal, Foundation of Telefónica, Mahou, Samsung, Smart, Aliance Française, Antiguo Hospital de Santa María la Rica, Latvian Photographers Associations, Biblioteca National of Spain, Blank Paper, Brizzolis, Cadena SER, Cambio de Sentido, CANAL +, Casa de América, Casa de la imagen, Casa de Velázquez, Centro Andaluz de la Fotografía, CentroCentro Cibeles, Anabel Segura Cultural Center, ARt Center of Alcobendas, Centro de Historias de Zaragoza, Círculo de Bellas Artes, COAM, EFTI, Embassy of France, Embassy of Republic of Latvia, EPSON, Escuela Superior de Artes y Espectáculos TAI, Fernán Gómez Centro Cultural de la Villa, FNAC, Antonio Saura Foundation. Casa Zavala, Fundación Lázaro Galdiano, Foundation of ONCE, Galería A34, Galería Carolina Rojo, Goethe Institut, Hotel de Las Letras, Istituto Europeo di Design, illy caffè, Instituto Cervantes, Rumanian Cultural Institute, Institute Français Madrid, Polish Cultural Institute, Kursala, La Lonja, Le Château d’Eau, Matadero Madrid, Museo ICO, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Museo Nacional de Artes Decorativas, Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Museo Nacional del Romanticismo, Museo Universidad de Navarra,, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Calcografía Nacional, Real Jardín Botánico, Real Sociedad Fotográfica, SESC, Spain (now!) and Turespaña.

Getafe City Council, AC/E, Banco Sabadell Foundation, Mutua Madrileña Foundation, Metro Madrid and Embassy of Republic of Latvia have for the first time collaborated with PHotoEspaña.