Martin Parr

Curator: Martin Parr
Number of works: 75 b/w photographs
Availability: from October 2014
Contact: Ana Berruguete
Catalogue: Published by La Fábrica
Co-production in collabortion with La Virreina Centre de la Imatge, Barcelona.

Fresh from the School of Fine Arts in 1975, Martin Parr set out to photograph a small town in the English countryside of Yorkshire, aiming to document a traditional way of life that was declining. Susie Mitchell, who later became his wife, joined him and began to write about the locals, rurals communities and a Methodist chapel that Martin photographed for five years. Between them, they composed an exceptional document that becomed a real surprise to his fans and those lovers of the traditional reporting format.
The title of the exhibition refers to the Methodist and Baptist chapels that proliferated in this part of Yorkshire, but also intended to evoke self-sufficient and hardworking nature of the people they met. The exhibition, includes 75 black and white photographs of this English photographer made in Hebden Bridge, Crimsworth Dean and other towns in West Yorkshire between 1975 and 1980.